
Social Networking

ScotPHN has investigated methods of using the internet to promote new ways of working between ScotPHN and public health departments, between public health practitioners and between the public and public health. Online social networking in public health has been investigated through hosting an undergraduate project by a student at the University of Portsmouth. The project sought to interview public health professionals about their current personal and professional use of social networking and their opinions about uses of internet tools for communicating information to the public, both in general and in relation to ScotPHN.

Another strand of the University of Portsmouth project surveyed young people through an online questionnaire about how they use the internet to access health information including their use of online social networks for this, what they understand by public health, their concerns about advice received, and whether they would be more likely to use reliable health information available through social networks than through their GP. The main points presented in the final report, including both the public and professional perspectives, are summarised below.

Patient Focus and Public Involvement

ScotPHN undertook a project on how to better engage with patients.

In 2015-16, the ScotPHN researcher is looking at how technology can be used in support of public health practice. Please see Current Projects.


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