
In 2009 and 2010, the Chief Medical Officer took stock of the contribution made by specialist public health professionals to the NHS and public health more widely. As part of this, the Directors of Public Health Group agreed with the CMO to work with NHS Health Scotland and the Scottish Public Health Network to look at three aspects.

  • What is the current role of the DPH?
  • What specialist public health resources are currently available and how do these and their management arrangements vary across the country?
  • What contribution does specialist public health make to Community Health Partnerships and Community Planning Partnerships?

Information was obtained by questionnaire from all the DsPH and a sample of 18 CHP managers and CPP coordinators. There was a 100% response rate from each group.

The resulting report was published August 2010.

It provides a clear view of how the DsPH see their role, an up-to-date overview of numbers of consultants in public health in the NHS Boards and three very useful perspectives on the range of specialist public health inputs to CHPs and CPPs. Further information can be obtained from your local DPH.


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