
Value for Money Tools to help calculate the cost-effectiveness of social marketing and behaviour change programmes in five key health areas: smoking, breastfeeding, alcohol, obesity and bowel cancer.

Developed in consultation with leading health economists and NICE, the tools go beyond costs to the NHS, to include wider impacts, for example costs to the local fire service from smoking-related fires, money saved by individuals from stopping smoking, or gains to employers from reduced employee absences. Estimating the value for money of proposed social marketing and behaviour change programmes can be invaluable at the commissioning and planning stage, but will also help you evaluate the cost-effectiveness of interventions after they are complete.

Database of Instruments for Resource Use MeasurementDatabase of Instruments for Resource Use Measurement is an open-access database of resource-use questionnaires for use by health economists involved in trial-based economic evaluations; offers a unique (and permanent) web address for each resource use measure for citation in papers and reports; provides a repository of methodological papers related to resource use and cost measurement.

ceaCost-Effectiveness Analysis Registry is a comprehensive database of 4,339 cost-utility analyses on a wide variety of diseases and treatments.


phePublic Health England

Spend and Outcome Tool (SPOT)

Better Care Fund: related metrics forecasting tool

Potential Years of Life Lost tool

hercUniversity of Oxford Health Economics Research Centre

Compendium of Health Datasets for Economists (ICoHDE), providing the largest collection of English specific datasets available for researchers interested in the field of economics of health and health care. It is a repository that aids the detection of data resources and provides support for secondary use of quantitative and qualitative data in research, learning and teaching. The types of datasets documented cover a large number of health and health care policy relevant areas, including: primary care activity and expenditure; hospital activity and expenditure; social care; performance measurement; health care labour force; health care commissioning; pharmaceutical prescribing; expenditure on equipment and technology; incomes and earnings; complaints and litigation; healthcare related prices and inflation indices.

Database of Mapping Studies. An Excel spreadsheet listing studies mapping to EQ-5D from other patient-reported outcome measures or clinical instruments. The database presents details of the sample size, modelling methods and patient population, in addition to the citation details and source instruments that are mapped in each of the 103 studies meeting the inclusion criteria. Useful for: those who wish to identify mapping studies to estimate utilities for cost-utility analyses and/or decision-analytical models constructed for publication or for submissions to health technology assessment (HTA) organisations, such as NICE, SMC, CADTH or PBAC; authors, editors or reviewers who wish to assess the novelty of a new mapping study; those conducting systematic reviews of methods for estimating utilities or QALYs; those seeking to identify the estimation models and sample sizes currently used in mapping studies and identify new developments for further research.

chebsUniversity of Sheffield Centre for Bayesian Statistics in Health Economics (CHEBS) has developed some standard software that may be of use to analysts involved in economic modelling including Excel macros for sampling from multivariate distributions and tools for conducting probabilistic sensitivity analysis.

hedgUniversity of York Health Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) software and data resources




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