SDsPH Introduction

The Scottish Directors of Public Health Group (SDsPH) group consists of Scottish Directors of Public Health, or acting Directors of Public Health; and the Medical Directors / DPH of National Agencies .

The group has the following objectives:

  • To provide leadership and advocacy nationally on matters affecting the public’s health.
  • To plan, initiate and co-ordinate matters relating to public health in Scotland.
  • To act as a coherent professional team and knowledge network and a means of disseminating relevant information.
  • To facilitate collaborative working across Scotland via leading and managing the Scottish Public Health Network.
  • To provide close liaison with the CMO and the Scottish Government health directorates, in particular the CMO’s and Health Improvement directorates.
  • To liaise with the Faculty of Public Health in Scotland, relevant public health bodies nationally/internationally.
  • To influence public health priorities.
  • To provide a source of mutual support to individual DsPH

Please find a copy of an example SDsPH Constitution attached under ‘Documents’.


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