
University of Oxford

Health Economics Research Centre

  • Researchexamining the economic aspects of health and disease, the costs and benefits of prevention and treatment, and the design and evaluation of health systems:
  • Downloads including:
    • Compendium of Health Datasets for Economists (ICoHDE), providing the largest collection of English specific datasets available for researchers interested in the field of economics of health and health care. It is a repository that aids the detection of data resources and provides support for secondary use of quantitative and qualitative data in research, learning and teaching. The types of datasets documented cover a large number of health and health care policy relevant areas, including: primary care activity and expenditure; hospital activity and expenditure; social care; performance measurement; health care labour force; health care commissioning; pharmaceutical prescribing; expenditure on equipment and technology; incomes and earnings; complaints and litigation; healthcare related prices and inflation indices.
    • Database of Mapping Studies, listing studies mapping to EQ-5D from other patient-reported outcome measures or clinical instruments. The database presents details of the sample size, modelling methods and patient population, in addition to the citation details and source instruments that are mapped in each of the 103 studies meeting the inclusion criteria. Useful for: those who wish to identify mapping studies to estimate utilities for cost-utility analyses and/or decision-analytical models constructed for publication or for submissions to health technology assessment organisations, such as NICE, SMC, CADTH or PBAC; authors, editors or reviewers who wish to assess the novelty of a new mapping study; those conducting systematic reviews of methods for estimating utilities or QALYs; those seeking to identify the estimation models and sample sizes currently used in mapping studies and identify new developments for further research.
  • Publications
  • Short Courses

University of Sheffield

School of Health and Related Research

Centre for Bayesian Statistics in Health Economics

Centre for Wellbeing in Public Policy

University of York

Health Economics Resource Centre

University of Glasgow

Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment

Glasgow Caledonian University

Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health

  • Research
  • Publications
  • Health Economics Group conducts research on the development and application of methods of economic evaluation as applied to health care priority setting and assessment of specific interventions in various settings, focussing on three main areas: applying economic evaluation frameworks to NHS priority setting challenges and to assessment of public health and health care interventions and those promoting broader aspects of wellbeing; developing methods to explore and quantify the preferences and values of patients and populations with respect to health service provision; extending methodological and applied approaches to evaluation of projects and innovations in the Third Sector.

University of Aberdeen

Health Economics Research Unit

  • Research
    • Assessment of Technologies:brings together information on the effectiveness and cost of health care interventions to promote the efficient use of scarce health care resources by the NHS and the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates.
    • Health Behaviour and Inequality:contributes to the evidence base relating to the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of public health interventions and to the understanding of inequalities in health and health behaviour.
    • Workforce and Organisation of Care: examines how financial and non-financial incentives and constraints influence the behaviour and performance of individuals and the organisation of care within the health care sector.
    • Methods of Benefit Valuation:develops and refines economic methods of valuing health and health care. Research in this theme combines methodological research with applications to challenging settings. The methodological research combines surveys, field experiments, laboratory experiments and qualitative research methods to better understand how to elicit the values that individuals, patients and society place on health and healthcare.
  • Publications and Presentations
  • Workshops

Leeds Institute of Health Sciences

Academic Unit of Health Economics

  • Research, includes: economic evaluation; health technology assessment; systematic review & qualitative work; health outcomes; applied econometrics
  • Working Papers

University of East Anglia

Health Economics Group

  • Research
    • Benefit Valuation covers the conceptual and methodological development of the benefit valuation techniques, and their application across a range of possible benefits in health care.
    • Economic Evaluation includes the economics of ageing, the economics of public health and links also with other streams which ultimately concern the bases on which decisions about the allocation of public money are made.
    • Microeconomics and Policy using various modelling techniques, including econometrics and economic evaluation, to analyse household and individual level data to determine the impact of health and social care policies.
    • Public Health Economics covers work in the following broad areas: social and economic consequences of health and health behaviours; socio-economic inequalities in and determinants of health and health behaviours; the economic evaluation of public health interventions.
  • Projects
  • Publications
  • Working Papers

Brunel University London

Health Economics Research Group

University of Dundee

Dundee Health Economics Group




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